2014年12月8日 星期一

The impact of technology and staff attitudes toward and adoption of technology on the events industry

2. The impact of technology and staff attitudes toward and adoption of technology on the events industry

According to the four pillar approach of Goldblatt, 2002:20 – Time, Finance, Technology and Human Resources are the foundation for a success event. The rapid development and advance of technology encourage people to use technology on the event industry. However some impacts, such as security threats and lack of information technology (IT) professional staff and different system devices etc. all these are negative aspects to technology applications. It is the challenge of event manager to manage the adoption of the technology.

Technology will be the key factor to change the event industry especially for the meeting planners whose have to complete the meeting-related jobs in a very limit time with less effort and much paper work handling. Furthermore, the interoperability enhances the communications of organisations with the partners and consumers (Buhalis and Law, 2008). Multimedia is another tools that provides information and allows people to interact with other by using a tangible image or three-dimensional virtual experiences and meetings (Cho et al, 2002). The different capabilities and characteristics of internet are a counterpart’s main communication channels for marketers and event manager to use instead of traditional face-to-face interaction, telephone, facsimile and letter. Internet is economically and effectively for event planners to use including registration, collection and dissemination of conference abstracts and post-meeting survey data collection. The web features provide online, real-time availability of group room and rates to make online reservations (Ball, 2001).

Technology is a trend that transforming corporate events (Active Network Inc). The usage of technology provides real-time data on event spend, to track and reduce costs. Apps’ is a very convenient tool to connect audience with fellow attendees, exhibitors and speakers and also can maximize lead generation for event managers. Furthermore, technology can collect information in-depth on attendees’ attitudes and interests.

Although technology is widely use nowadays, limitations and negative attitudes also exist simultaneously. It was found that technology is not being used as effectively throughout the event process. There is criticism that Business to Business (B2B) event marking survey are using marketing automation such as email to drive customers to their event but not using marketing automation during events or follow up with attendees at post event. The adoptions of technology is also influenced by knowledge, attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavioural control. When employees are familiar with a product or services may rely on retained earlier knowledge and feel no need for new technology (Bettman, 1979). Limited resources and difficult to employ professional IT staff may create challenge for the implementation of IT. Moreover, the rise in security threat such as hacking and data theft, the lack of knowledge of IT and the rapid development of different IT systems make event managers can’t have a comprehensive view of the event. Strassmann, 1990 stated that the profitability of spending on IT is a question. Gamble, 1990 also criticized that IT fail to add value and the costs exceed the benefits generated.

There are some impacts should be considered on the use of technology in events: Political-legal, Economic, Sociological, Cultural and Environmental.

Legislation impacting on the use of technology such as Data Protection Act, Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations. Health and Safety (www.hse.gov.uk) concern such as Electrical Safety and Display Screen Equipment regulations.

Regarding economy, there was a Travel Trends Survey conducted in 2010, it was found that more organisations severe cuts the travel budgets, which led to a rise in virtual event. The most significant benefits of virtual event are reaching a much more audience than physical event with less money.

Internet is a worldwide use social networking tools, it is enable people to do lots of things together in online world that can’t be done in the real world and online sociability can better than real world sociability and online space will be more imaginative and interesting than real world. However, it was also found that some social cues are absent in virtual event. (Ralph Schroeder, 2010)

Now is an online world, online communication is commonly used both in individual social and commerce business. It becomes a common culture.  Although there are different languages in the IT world, however, each user may encounter hacking and computer virus threats.

With the use of technology, people reduce on travelling that may led to decrease on ridding aircraft, as a result of diminishing the leaking of carbon dioxide, then the environmental could be less harmed. On the other hand, the inappropriate throwing of unused computer sets and screens may cause environmental problems.

In conclusion, although there are some technological problems and negative attitudes to the adoption of technology, the rapid development of technology can solve these problems. Staff’s reluctant attitudes toward technology mainly because of lacking knowledge.  Moreover, there is a criticism that “independent or private” and “corporate” event managers are more likely to use Internet technology than “association” event managers. I am working at a non-profit making association, as an executive staff. I support the usage of technology because of saving costs and time is very important in hosting event. It is also a trend to use technology to improve the effectiveness and efficiency in organising events. In order to tackle the negative aspects of using technology, firstly I will suggest increasing budget to purchase job-related software such as AI, Adobe and CorelDraw for poster design. Secondly, provide training courses for middle level staff to enhance their skills in using technology. Finally, to enlarge the IT department by employ more professional IT staff. All these may increase the expenditure; however it is worth for the long term development.

